Sunday, January 18, 2009

My great big enormous Burpee order

This is the year of the expanding garden, and I'm trying a bunch of new items that I've never grown. Last year I added in cucumbers and carrots, but other than that it was the standard tomatoes, red peppers, hot peppers (for friend Dave), and herbs.

This year I'm adding in lettuce (looseleaf), Romaine, spinach, broccoli, sugar snap peas, bush beans, pole beans, and eggplant. I may have overshot a bit but I'm choosing to be optomistic and hoping I'm graced with an extra-green thumb this summer.

Here's the plan:

Romaine lettuce: Little Caesar
"Perfect for small gardens and easy to grow."

Lettuce, looseleaf: Heatwave
"Thrives in the heat, and remains productive and tasty longer than all others."

Spinach: Baby's Leaf Hybrid
"The flat green leaves are sweet tender and very easy to clean."

Carrots: Little Finger
"Tiny gourmet great for salads."

Broccoli: Green Goliath
"Large headed, tight budded, blue-green variety."

Bush beans: Tenderpick

"Great flavor, similar to Tenderpod, with improved germination."

Pole beans: Purple King
"Beans that yield steadily all summer until frost." <-- That's a catchy one, huh?

Cherry Tomatoes: Sun Gold Hybrid
"Rapidly becoming the most popular cherry tomato of all time."

Tomatoes: Big Beef Hybrid
"Extra large, 10-12 oz., red fruits are firm, juicy and highly flavored."

Sugar snap peas: Super Sugar Snap V.P.
"This incredible pea is even better than the famous Sugar Snap."

Cucumber: Slicing, Straight Eight
"A cucumber superstar, this classic has excellent flavor and is widely adapted."

Eggplant: Burpee Hybrid
"Continuously produces many oval, medium-sized, glossy, purple fruits."

Sweet pepper: California Wonder
"HEIRLOOM. The Standard Bell Pepper"

Hot pepper: Hot Lemon (Heirloom)
"From Ecuador, as hot as any Cayenne, but with a truly unique flavor."

Basil: Sweet
"Classic herb, used in tomato sauce, pesto and salads."

"Fragrant leaves flavor meats, poultry and potatoes."




Cent with Love said...

Great work, Leah! You have me totally thinking about trying a container garden since C's playground will now take the place of the area where I've had a garden in the past.

Gretchen said...

Oh I can't wait to read how it all goes. Do you know where locally you can find starter plants? We don't get enough sun indoors to start from seeds. Had a major failed attempt last year.
Good luck!